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To forgive or not to forgive….is that the question?

  • Posted on June 22, 2018 at 9:48 am

Lost and alone with nowhere to turn. Where do we begin? The beginning of every journey requires the release of the past so that we can move forward. Without forgiveness there is no point to life.  Living with unforgiveness is living with death, darkness and destruction.  It is holding on to the past.  There is no life in the past.  The past is over.  The past is dead and gone.  The past has no creative energy to it.  We cannot go back and change anything that has already happened.  It is finished.  It is complete.  Letting go is essential To…

J.O.B. ….

  • Posted on May 21, 2011 at 7:34 am

Many of us have heard that J.O.B. stands for Just Over Broke.  Isn’t it fascinating that by holding that acronym in our minds  we continue to perpetuate a cycle of going to work at a place where we don’t want to be, receive a paycheck for doing something we don’t want to do, feeling empty by the joyless existence and trying to fill the void with “stuff”.  Therefore, we spend our so called hard earned money on things we don’t need just to fill that void.  Many times the money we spend is money we haven’t earned yet which  continues the cycle of keeping us “just over broke” while fattening the pockets of the credit card companies.

It is said that continuing to do the same thing expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Isn’t it time to stop the insanity?

To break a cycle begins with a change in mental attitude.  What if instead of J.O.B. filling our minds (and our lives) with Just Over Broke it became the acronym for Joy Of Being.  By making this mental shift it would allow us to go to work and be in our joy regardless of what we are doing.  This has the potential of increasing our sense of wellbeing, satisfaction and fullness in our lives.  What if we all decided to be in our Joy Of Being today?  What if we all went to work this week in our Joy Of Being?

Joy be with you.  Walk in peace.

The Master Does Nothing……

  • Posted on May 7, 2011 at 7:35 am

The pot of gold is in the staying present

  There is an old saying that the master does nothing and nothing goes undone.

A busy mind compresses and fragments times and little gets accomplished.

No-mind, a state of mind that is quiet and at peace, neither visiting the past nor racing off to the future, expands time.  In this no-mind state, inspiration enters, time expands; the body goes into a state of Zen-doing.  In this expansion of time there is energy enough to accomplish great feats in a short amount of time.  No-thing goes undone.

Even in the darkest hour….

  • Posted on May 4, 2011 at 2:13 pm
Even in the darkest hour there is light.
In a world of chaos and confusion there is often a focus on the darkness that appears to surround us.  Many fears creap into the corners of our minds and into our conversations.  The awe and beauty of this picture is a great reminder that even in the darkest hour…there is light.  There is always something to be grateful for.  There is always something in life that is truly right.  May we allow faith, love and joy to be our constant companions in this powerful time.  This trilogy will help us see the light…even in the darkness.
Blessings and joy to you today.